For my last week I research some more and finally completed my two exhibts. I researched the salem fire and police stations, the Municipal building, and Mount Regis center. Unfortunetly I could not find a much on the fire and police stations. However, the other two where very easy to research. I found out the the Municipal is the modern day Admissions building for Roanoke College and was used as a place for the town concil to meet. Mount Regis was a center for rehabilitating people with drug and alcohol addiction. It unfortunetly burned down in 2016.
The two exhibts I was working on throught out my internship were the Courthouse and the yearbooks from the 60’s. On my two last days I put the finishing touches on both of those. For the Courthouse I scaned the pictures and learned house to glue and cut out the pictures and the plaque. For the yearbook one I scanned the picture and plased them in the case. Unfortunetly, I did not have enough time to print out the plaque I wrote for that exhibt, but it should be put up in the next few days. Overall, this internship has taught me how a museum works. I relized that a job like this is one I could see myself doing in the future.