Hi All! This post marks both the end of the Spring 2020 semester and the end of my internship duties. Despite the difficulties of this semester, I can truly say that I was able to finish my internship strong and that I produced an educational resource that will be used by the Center for Teaching the Rule of Law to teach about (you guessed it!) the rule of law. I have learned a lot during this semester especially about Magna Carta and the rule of law, but also about communication and carrying out research. My final project turned out to be a massive PowerPoint detailing the importance of Magna Carta in relation to the British Government, the United States Government, and the rule of law. This PowerPoint will be posted on the Center for Teaching the Rule of Law’s website and it will be used by both the Center and other educators as an educational resource to teach college-age and above students.
Similar to how Magna Carta states that the king is not above the law, the rule of law implies that everyone is bound by the law. The rule of law continues to teach this principle that everyone must be held accountable for their actions that was originally set forth in Magna Carta. Magna Carta was important because it was the first legal document to establish that everyone, including the king, must obey the law. Today this idea is carried out by teaching and upholding the rule of law. It is essential that everyone respect and obey the law and by teaching this concept to students it helps ensure that they will hold governmental figures accountable. Magna Carta and the rule of law both imply that everyone is bound by the law and by teaching these two principles together the importance of them is doubly enforced.