When I began my internship on July 24th I was uncertain of whether I would continue on to take the LSAT and apply to a law school. The past few weeks have helped to solidify my interest in law. Aspects of the practice such as excellence in writing, reading comprehension and generally witty banter have incited (in myself) a fiery interest for potentially pursuing a career as an attorney.
Since my last post, I have been prompted by my supervisors to review key information in certain cases, appear in court (numerous times) and run documents between the firm and the courthouse. Generally, I have become familiar with the proceedings and nuances of family law and court in Kentucky. One aspect of this internship which continues to haunt my daily chores is filing. The firm files 50-100 client documents a day, this process of monotony is carried out by yours truly. Yet, in spite of this, my complaints are minute due to the stimulation that I get from other more intriguing activities such as court days or depositions.
(Pictured above is the office mascot and spoiled rotten dog child, Annie)