At this point in the internship the focus was set on getting all the finishing touches laid out and completed for the fire exhibit. Most of the pictures and signs were already up so what was left was mostly cleaning and last minute touches. All of the display cases were wiped down, the floor was swept (though I wasn’t the one who did that, not trying to take un-due credit), and my boss jokingly threatened to make me wear a smokey bear costume for the entire opening day. While all of this was taking place, I also got what was probably the most fun assignment I received while I was working. I was told to create a scavenger hunt for museum. I was given free reign to use whatever I wanted for it, so I enjoyed myself. It only took me around an hour to make, but as I said it was a good time. There were a few gimme questions, but there were a couple that were particularly difficult. In one case we have a picture of a man named Abraham Hupp on every single floor of the museum and part of the hunt was to find all of them. Without too much of a history lesson, Hupp was a tinsmith, inventor, and he organized the Salem Flying Artillery, who fired the last shot of the civil war, though Hupp died before then. One of Hupp’s more notable creations was the first “fire truck” Salem ever had, even though it was a push cart with a hand operated pump. Anyway, the scavenger hunt had all sorts of questions on it and when I looked through the ones people filled out I was quite pleased. Not a single person completed completely correctly. The closes were a couple kids who missed on question about how many paintings by Grace Smyth there were on the first floor.