National Sporting Library & Museum. (2022, September 21). In Wikipedia.
Screenshot of Internet Archive “Jane Sleeper and Horse, Carpe Diem; 1996.” The Patricia MacVeagh Collection by National Sporting Library & Museum. June 16, 2023.
During the first week of my internship at the National Sporting Library and Museum, I had to jump right in as I had many tasks to accomplish for the day. At first, it was overwhelming, but as the day went on, I became more comfortable after meeting much of the staff, a fellow internet, and a member of the library and museum. Everyone was very welcoming to make my arrival great.
The first thing I was assigned was starting a large project the library has been working on for several years. It had to do with a collection of photographs by Patricia MacVeagh that the library has been given to digitize. My job was to upload the individual photographs to the internet archive and apply the metadata. My digital history and library practicum course last semester helped me understand what metadata means and why it is applied to digitized information/images.
The next task that I learned was cataloging the new magazines that the library had been given. I knew what cataloging was and somewhat of the back side of how to catalog from my library practicum course. I loved how I used the knowledge I received in a real-world setting.
The last thing I learned from my first week at the library was going through donations that the library had received. I had to document each book, the author, and the publishing data in their system. Then I had to ensure they still needed to get a copy of the book in their collection. If they did, I put it on a separate pile to be put on their donated shelf. The last step of the process was to ensure that the book followed the mission of the National Sporting Library and Museum.