The past weeks within my internship with the Roanoke Valley Preservation Foundation, I have continued to work at the tasks presented before me. I have what I believe to have finished the list of public history groups within the Roanoke Valley, but with this I have also marked which groups possibly have a historical location or building that the Foundation could sell a marker to. These plaques indicate how long the building has been there as well as a endorsement from the Foundation.
Another task that I have begun is creating a powerpoint on all existing Rosenwald schools around Southwest Virginia. The Rosenwald schools as I have mentioned earlier, were established all around the United States for African American students during the early 20th century. Many of these schools are still standing, for the purpose of the Foundation I plan to compile any know pictures of the schools within Southwest Virginia. After researching the area schools I plan to also write an article for the Foundations newsletter on the life of Julius Rosenwald and the schools he created.
The skills that I have learned thus far in my internship have been closely related with organization as well as time management as I have continued work on the individual projects at an even pace. I believe that my research skills have also been strengthened from my work with the Rosenwald Schools.