Started my third week at the Salem Museum. I spent most of my time this past week in the library / archive section of the museum, conducting research for a new exhibit. I am looking into 14 prominent citizens of Salem throughout the ages, that provide an insight into the town at the time. It begins at the founding of Salem, and continues up to the modern day. It is a large task, but I am chipping away at it. It has been interesting to go through the archives to find information on these people. Some eras are a lot easier to find information on than others. Everything is well organized, but there are clear gaps in the archives. It was a slow process at first, but I have found it easier as the week has gone on. Next week I will be taking a break from this to work on a smaller exhibit in the lobby.
The first picture is of me standing among the archive shelves. All of the pieces are shoved into the back, so it is significantly less empty than it appears in the pictures. The second picture is of my notes at an early stage.