Spent most of my time this week working on accessioning a large collection of things from the early 1900s. The collection included about 70 letters that I had to sort through individually, which took a lot of time. It was satisfying to complete the whole thing after working at it for so long. I also worked on re-organizing some of the archives in the back. It was a huge undertaking, and not something I could accomplish completely in a few days. So, I decided to do what I could, and leave the rest to the next intern.
Some of the staff was out this week, so I had to do stuff I usually did not have to. One of those things was setting up the meeting room for rentals. I also spent some time greeting guests at the front of the museum, which I was not a huge fan of, but it needed to get done. Overall a more laid-back week than previous. Preparing for the last part of the internship and working on a bigger exhibit of my own.